Kodak Black Gets Official Release Date


Kodak Black will remain behind bars for at least another two years.

The rapper has received a release date of Aug. 14, 2022. According to TMZ, he could get out a few days earlier because the 14th falls on a Sunday. Federal policy allows inmates to be released early if their release date is on a weekend.

He is currently being transferred from Miami’s Federal Detention Center to a federal prison in Oklahoma City, where he will remain temporarily. His attorney says his final destination will be a federal pen in Kentucky.

Kodak is serving 46 months on weapons charges. While at FCI Miami, he complained that prison officials were conspiring against him and that he and other inmates had to endure inhumane conditions.

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About four months ago there was a guy in here in solitary confinement that was well known throughout the building Pete was a very kind and generous person and while in solitary confinement Pete’s health condition reached a very advanced Stage while he was in excruciating pain! So, Pete requested medical attention (like myself) which was denied ( like myself) because he felt like he was dying ( like myself ) As Pete’s constant cried for help fell on deaf ears, he decided to take himself out of his misery by hanging himself from the bunk to end his pain and suffering. It’s sad because everyone was aware of his health issues and one C O could have found it in the kindness of the heart to do their jobs and simply call medical, his family wouldn’t be mourning his loss as of now. Everyone here knows of this tragedy but it’s being hidden from the public eye. I am grateful that I was blessed with a platform to shine a light on this catastrophe and the injustices that go on within the land of these walls. My deepest condolences goes out to Pete’s family. I need for y’all to contact me ASAP so I can send my blessings to your direction. Although, there is no price to pay for Pete’s life, I got some money for you all. I am sure it was hard having to greave over him during the holidays. I tried to do this sooner but they are not sending my mail out. [ From behind the cement with lots of love #Bill] ( DM @cdubb_1 )

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As a result, Kodak’s mother is threatening to sue the Bureau of Prisons and has hired powerhouse attorney Benjamin Crump, who repped Trayvon Martin’s family in the George Zimmerman case.

TMZ reports that Kodak was transferred to another prison because of standard procedure and not because of his complaints.